
Why AR is Overtaking CGI in Brand Storytelling?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, two technologies have emerged as game-changers: Augmented Reality (AR) and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI). Both possess the power to transform how brands connect with their audiences, yet they do so in vastly different ways. AR stands out for its ability to create immersive, interactive experiences that not only engage users but also encourage the creation of user-generated content (UGC). In contrast, CGI, while visually stunning, offers a more passive viewing experience. This distinction is crucial in understanding why AR is leading the way in fostering higher user engagement and why CGI, despite its merits, falls short in this regard.

Understanding AR and CGI

Augmented Reality (AR) integrates digital information with the user’s environment in real time. AR uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. This technology has found its niche in marketing, offering unique, immersive experiences directly on consumers’ smartphones and devices.

Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), on the other hand, refers to the creation of digitally enhanced visuals to create realistic images and animations. Used extensively in movies, television, and video games, CGI in marketing often involves creating animated advertisements showing impossible scenes like crushing buildings, etc. Since this scenes never happened, CGI is often called Fake OOH, due to the depiction of the fake scenes to the users.

While both technologies can captivate audiences, AR’s interactive component invites an active participation that CGI cannot replicate. Moreover, AR experience can be recorded and shared generating “viral” in the same way, as CGI does.

The Immersive Experience of AR in Marketing

AR’s defining feature in marketing is its ability to create immersive experiences. For instance, beauty brands use AR filters to allow customers to “try on” makeup or hairstyles in real-time, directly from their devices. Furniture brands enable customers to visualize how products would look in their own homes. These applications not only engage users but also significantly aid in their purchase decisions.

The immersive nature of AR results in higher user engagement. By interacting with products in their environment, consumers form a deeper connection with the brand, leading to increased interest and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

The Passive Nature of CGI in Marketing

CGI, while effective in creating visually appealing content, does not engage users in the same interactive manner. Product visualizations and animated commercials can highlight features and benefits beautifully but lack a direct call to action for viewer participation. As a result, CGI often serves as a one-way communication tool, with limited potential for fostering deep, interactive user engagement.

AR’s Edge: Engaging Users and Generating UGC

The interactive capabilities of AR not only engage users but also empower them to become content creators. AR filters on social platforms have led to viral trends, with users eagerly sharing their augmented experiences. This UGC acts as a powerful endorsement for brands, expanding their reach and influence far beyond traditional marketing efforts.

Successful AR campaigns exemplify how AR can generate buzz and virality. The key is AR’s ability to blend brand messaging with personal user experiences, making the promotional content feel more authentic and relatable.

CGI’s Role: Visual Storytelling Without Immersion

Despite its limitations in user engagement, CGI holds a significant place in marketing for its ability to craft compelling visual narratives. High-quality CGI can convey a product’s aesthetics and functionality in ways that real-life photography sometimes cannot. However, the lack of interactivity means that while CGI can inform and entertain, it doesn’t typically inspire the same level of user action or content creation as AR.


The contrast between AR and CGI in marketing boils down to the difference in immersion and engagement. AR invites users into an interactive experience, transforming passive viewers into active participants and content creators. This engagement not only enhances the user experience but also amplifies brand reach through UGC. CGI, while a powerful tool for visual storytelling, lacks this interactive dimension. As digital marketing continues to evolve, the integration of AR into marketing strategies represents a forward-thinking approach to consumer engagement, one that values and leverages the active participation of its audience. In a world where content is king, AR’s ability to generate authentic, user-driven content sets it apart as the crown jewel of digital marketing technologies.


How AR Filters are changing the Fashion industry?

AR filters used to be just fun add-ons for social media, but now they’re a big deal for fashion brands. They let you try on clothes, accessories, and makeup right on your screen, making shopping more interactive and fun. This makes customers more involved and is changing the way we shop.

Virtual Try-Ons

One of the most significant applications of AR filters is virtual try-ons. Customers can see how a piece of clothing looks on them without physically trying it on. This is not only convenient but also addresses issues like size and fit, which are major concerns in online shopping. Virtual try ons may be implemented on social media, website, but also as the in-store AR Mirror.



Tommy Hilfiger

Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Fashion brands are using AR filters to create interactive and engaging marketing campaigns. These filters are a perfect fit for social media campaigns, as they allow users to try on products and share their experiences, thus leveraging user-generated content.


Ralph Lauren


Benefits of AR Filters in the Fashion Industry

Increased Engagement and Sales

AR filters provide a unique and engaging shopping experience, leading to increased customer interaction and potential sales. They bridge the gap between online and offline shopping, offering a try-before-you-buy experience.

Sustainable and Cost-Effective

Virtual try-ons contribute to sustainability by reducing the need for physical samples and returns. They are also cost-effective for brands, eliminating the need for extensive physical inventory for trials.

Data Collection and Personalisation

AR filters enable brands to collect valuable data about customer preferences and behaviours. Based on this data brands can offer personalised recommendations, enhancing the customer shopping experience.

Success Stories in Fashion AR

Luxury Brand Collaborations

Many luxury brands have successfully integrated AR filters into their marketing strategies. For instance, Dior has permanently integrated AR into its marketing strategies at every stage of the marketing funnel. OOH campaigns, product packaging or virtual fittings, all of those resulting in a significant boost in online engagement and sales.




Fast Fashion and Social Media

Fast fashion brands have also embraced AR filters, particularly on social media platforms. These brands create filters that align with current fashion trends, encouraging users to engage and share their experiences.

Amazon Fashion



In conclusion, Augmented Reality (AR) filters are not merely a passing trend but a revolutionary development within the fashion industry. By blending the digital and physical realms, AR filters have transformed how consumers interact with fashion brands, from trying on clothes virtually to engaging with immersive marketing campaigns.

These innovations offer numerous benefits, including enhanced customer engagement, increased sales, sustainability, cost efficiency, and opportunities for personalised shopping experiences.

The success stories of luxury and fast fashion brands utilising AR filters underscore their effectiveness in boosting online engagement and sales, proving that AR technology is a critical component in the future of fashion marketing and sales strategies. As we continue to navigate this digital age, AR filters stand out as a key driver in the evolution of the fashion industry, offering a glimpse into a future where technology and fashion are inextricably linked.

Ready to bring the AR filters to your fashion brand?

Contact us to get AR filters formats tailored to your  communication!


The Guide To Instagram AR Filters– Free Ebook

From understanding the latest AR trends and technologies to developing a marketing plan for your AR filters, this ebook covers everything you need to know to stay ahead in the competitive world of social media marketing.

What you will find inside?

  1. What are Instagram AR Filters?
  2. Where effects appear on Instagram?
  3. Meta Ads AR Effects
  4. Why Should you try?
  5. The Possibilities
  6. The Restrictions
  7. The Key to successful Instagram AR campaign
  8. How to measure AR campaign?
  9. The AR Filters Masterplan: A Step-by-Step Checklist for success.

Download the Free Ebook:


Transforming OOH Advertising with Augmented Reality

A significant cornerstone in the advertising field, Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising is the powerful method of reaching consumers while they’re outside of their homes. This includes billboards, bus stops, murals, transit hubs and even digital displays in high footfall public spaces. There’s no denying the importance of OOH in the traditional advertising mix. However, the evolution of technology has birthed compelling methods that elevate the impact of these tried and true advertising strategies.

With Augmented Reality, the OOH advertising landscape transcends into a whole new level of immersive and interactive experiences. Offering so much more than just static images or text, it brings the potential of offline and digital interactions together, offering a highly engaging platform for advertisers to interact with their audience.

Benefits of using AR in OOH advertising

The beauty of Augmented Reality in OOH advertising lies in bridging the divide between offline and digital experiences. By overlaying digital information on real-world elements, AR helps make OOH formats interactive, engaging, and most importantly, personalised.

Take the Augmented Reality Mural we made for Żywiec, we used WebAR allowing the user to create a personalised invitation to a shared beer. The user takes a selfie, which is later displayed in AR on the mural, enters a friend’s name and creates an invitation, whose photo can be saved to a gallery or shared on social media. The opportunity to see one’s own selfie on a huge wall in the centre of Warsaw and to share the photo with a friend with his or her name inscribed has turned the mural into an interesting activity that can be used several times with different selfies and names.

Augmented reality is changing the way brands approach out-of-home advertising.

By utilizing AR, OOH advertising goes from being a mere spectator sport to an active player game. This enhances customer engagement levels and fosters deeper connections for effective brand recall. In fact, AR campaigns have been known to increase engagement levels by up to 20%, with consumers spending an average of 75 seconds with an AR ad.

Moreover, the amalgamation of AR and OOH advertising bolsters brand awareness in an unparalleled manner, offering memorable experiences that get audiences talking, sharing, and engaging with the brand organically.

But that’s not all! Studies suggest that AR campaigns generate a 70% higher recall rate compared to traditional campaigns, thereby serving as an effective vehicle for enduring brand impressions.

Endless possibilities

To sum it up, the integration of AR in OOH advertising spells numerous benefits – increased customer engagement, memorable brand experiences, and enhanced brand recall to name a few. The combination of spatial creativity and personalised engagement that AR offers can catapult OOH advertising to previously untouched heights.

Today’s digital-savvy audiences seek experiences that resonate with them on a personal level. By incorporating AR into your advertising strategies, you can offer just that – a blend of entertainment, surprise, and customized interactions, all packaged within your brand’s narrative.


How to use AR Filters for brand marketing

Filters using Augmented Reality (AR) allow camera images to be overlaid with generated 2D or 3D graphics and animations in real time. AR Filters are gaining popularity, becoming part of the marketing strategies of the most renowned companies around the world.

AR is a great way to make people feel like they are part of a story. It can be used to create a fun and engaging experience that gives users the feeling that they are in an alternate reality. AR also helps you build your brand and reach your audience by showing off the features of your product or service in an effective way.

  • 4x longer watch time than videos
  • 70% better memorability comparing to the traditional Ad formats
  • 75 seconds of average user engagement

Augmented Reality is a powerful tool to connect with your audience.

You can use AR to create a sense of belonging and community, which will help your audience feel closer to you and your brand. For example, by making it easy for customers to share their favorite moments through social media, you can bring them into the heart of the activity at any time.

AR Filters are a great tool to create User Generated Content. An interesting filter format, combined with appropriate communication, maximises the likelihood that users themselves will want to share images and videos using them with friends, which can lead to rapid, organic spread of content.

Benefits of AR Marketing

  • Increased engagement: AR marketing allows customers to interact with products in a more engaging way, which can increase their interest in the product and likelihood of purchase.
  • Improved customer experience: AR can be used to enhance the customer experience by providing additional information about products, such as product specifications and user reviews.
  • Increased brand awareness: AR marketing can help increase brand awareness by making products more visible and memorable to consumers.
  • Measurable results: AR marketing can provide measurable results in terms of increased engagement, conversion rates and sales, allowing companies to track the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Offer a useful experience with branded AR Filters

Implementing augmented reality for your customers to enjoy is one of the best ways to enhance their experience with your brand. This will help make them more likely to engage with you again in the future and tell their friends about how great it was! There are many ways you can use AR as part of this effort:

Instagram AR Filters

AR filters on Instagram can be used in Stories, Reels, Video Calls and Meta Ads. Once implemented, they appear in a dedicated tab on the brand’s profile and in the effects gallery, but we can also use them through a direct link and any Stories or Reels using them.

In Meta Ads, we can both promote a previously created effect and deploy a dedicated filter just for a paid campaign. The effect is then visible in the Ads manager and, when published, includes the call to action “Try in Camera” and opens in the Story camera on Instagram or Facebook.

AR technology on Instagram offers us a range of possibilities and many formats that we can use when creating a filter. Among others, we can create Filters for the Face (Face Tracking), Filters that place elements in real space (Plane Tracking + LIDAR), placing elements after detecting graphics (Target Tracking) or mapping graphics to hands (Hand Tracking).

Before publication, each filter must undergo approval, during which compliance with the technical and content requirements of the
and content requirements of Meta. The most significant substantive restrictions include the ban on the publication of AR filters by alcohol brands, effects promoting drugs and other medical devices, or the ban on the depiction of weapons, knives and other dangerous tools on filters.

Snapchat AR Filters

Snapchat is a great platform for augmented reality. It has a large and engaged user base, which makes it an obvious choice for brands looking to experiment with the technology. Its lenses are fun and easy to use, meaning that the user experience is seamless and enjoyable for both brands and their audiences.

In addition to being engaging and intuitive, Snapchat’s Lenses can also help deliver a strong message in just a few seconds. When paired with other forms of content (such as text or video), AR lenses can be used to tell stories more effectively than words alone would allow—and they might even get consumers talking about your brand long after they’ve viewed it on their phones!

TikTok AR Filters

The AR filters on TikTok can be divided into two groups:
Branded Effects and Community Effects. From the user’s perspective, this division does not really matter; their functionalities may be identical, however, marketers planning activities on the platform should be aware of the possibilities and limitations of each.

Branded effects are one of the formats available in paid advertising on TikTok. These filters are only available during the campaign and disappear when the campaign ends. They can be used with other ad formats like the hashtag challenge etc. The user can find them next to each video that uses them and on the dedicated effect page.

Community effects, on the other hand, are available in a special tab on the brand’s profile and can be used indefinitely. They are a great tool to build long-term engagement and community relationships on the platform. They can be used directly from the brand profile and from any video that uses them. Videos using Community AR filters might be use in Paid TikTok Spark Ads, promoting videos from brand’s profile or creators accounts (With their permission).

Web-based AR Filters

WebAR is an Augmented Reality experience that can be accessed in a web browser and does not require the installation of any additional application. There are no restrictions in terms of content or file weight. Alcohol brands or drug and cigarette manufacturers can use WebAR without limits. This solution also gives us the greatest possibilities when it comes to creations and the use of advanced technological solutions. We can create virtually anything, from face filters to virtual fittings and AR games using geo targeting.

WebAR is great not only for advertising campaigns, but also for ecommerce or email marketing, where it allows, among other things, the visualisation of products in real space and the personalisation of the user experience.

For the user, using WebAR is as easy as visiting a website. Simply type in the URL, scan the QR code or click on the link to open the default web browser with AR experience.

How do we create an AR Filter to be used by our target group?

Even the most advanced filter, without the right communication, will not be used by our audience. The key to success once the effect has been published, is to plan the right communication that informs the audience about the AR filter and then motivates them to use it. Ideally, our filter solves a problem for the target group or gives them some value they want to seek. It might be a competition, a giveaway, or access to unique content only available in AR. Influencers are also great at promoting filters, as they can show the effect to a wider audience and encourage their audience to use it.

AR Filters are no longer a funny extras

This innovative technology holds promise in increasing customer engagement, enhancing customer experience, building brand recognition, and delivering measurable marketing outcomes. In the dynamic digital landscape, every brand is constantly looking for the ‘next big thing’ to stand out. Combining AR technology with clever strategic planning, could very well prove to be the game changer, bringing an unparalleled level of customer experience and brand engagement. The future of AR in marketing is not only bright but also holds potential we’ve only begun to imagine.


How to establish KPI and measure the results of XR campaign?

Advertising campaigns using immersive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality (MR) allow the introduction of completely new forms of user engagement that were previously unknown. The results of XR campaign may vary with the technology and use case.

Marketers have gained valuable tools to create new advertising formats that are able to hold the audience’s attention longer than traditional advertising. Not all existing factors for analysing advertising campaigns will be accurate in XR campaigns, as they do not include a number of new variables that are crucial to immersive technologies.

What we can track in the results of XR campaign?

The parameters for measuring the effectiveness of XR activities will vary slightly between the platforms and technologies used (social media, web campaigns, mobile apps, VR goggles, etc.). Some will give us broader opportunities to monitor user behaviour, and a few platforms will exclude some of the parameters.

What exactly can we monitor?

  • Impressions Number of total impressions of the XR experience. The indicator is particularly noteworthy during a campaign using AR filters on social media, where users sharing AR filters will generate displays among other users. Displays will not be applicable in campaigns on other platforms that aim to focus the behaviour of a single user inside the XR experience, such as mobile or web apps.

  • Opens/Scans Total number of uses of the XR experience by users.

  • Captures Number of photo/video saves using the XR experience. This indicator will be particularly relevant for social media campaigns, where the user will be able to save a video or photo they have created to the gallery.

  • Shares Number of photo/video shares using the XR experience.

  • XR Engagement Rate This indicator compares the percentage of full user engagement (number of impressions, likes, shares, etc.) in an XR campaign compared to non-XR activities.

  • Dwell Time Total time the user spent actively engaged in the XR experience.

  • Unique Users/Return Users The number of unique users who have used the XR experience and the number of those who have done so more than once.

  • Conversions The number of users who used the AR experience compared to the number of users who performed the action assumed in the campaign (e.g. purchase, newsletter sign-up, etc.).

How do you set the KPIs of an XR campaign?

When determining the KPI of a given campaign, we should first of all match our expectations with the platform on which we are implementing it. We should also realistically assess our technological capabilities, analyse potential barriers for users and then define the key objectives we want to achieve.

Sample KPIs:
– 10% increase in brand awareness as measured by number of impressions greater than X

– 2% increase in sales measured by conversions

– X mentions on social media

In addition to a suitable campaign concept tailored to our target group, it is also very important to optimise the User Experience of our XR experience – the easier and more intuitive it is to use, the better the results of XR campaign will be. After implementation, great importance should also be placed on proper communication. Even the best solutions with poor communication will not encourage users to use them, especially with immersive technologies, which for many are often the first they come into contact with.

When can we consider the results of XR campaign as a success?

Criteria for the positive results of XR campaign will vary depending on the objectives we set before launching the campaign and the platform and technology we choose. Important factors that should be considered when assessing the success of an XR campaign include:

  • Campaign reach: the number of people who came into contact with the campaign (e.g. by attending an XR event, watching a live broadcast or by using the XR app).
  • Campaign impact: the extent to which the campaign changed the attitudes or behaviours of the audience. This can be measured through surveys or post-campaign surveys.
  • Campaign influence: what impact the campaign had on the public or on a specific target group. This can be measured by analysing the increase in awareness.
  • Campaign effectiveness: the ratio of costs to results achieved. Analysis of whether the campaign delivered the expected results in relation to its budget.
  • Participant satisfaction: the extent to which participants in the XR event were satisfied with the experience. This can be measured by post-event surveys.

In conclusion, running an effective XR campaign involves a careful blend of strategical planning, setting precise KPIs and accurate tracking of pivotal performance metrics. With advancements in technology introducing new forms of user engagement and demonstrating exciting possibilities in the realm of advertising, XR campaigns represent an outstanding combination of creativity and technology.